Installation: MCR 2012b

On MacOSX, the transition between Apple Java and Oracle Java is a terrible mess. It makes it very difficult to run correctly the compiled version of Brainstorm. This page provides instructions for running it with Matlab 2012b, to ensure the compatibility with older MacOSX systems that run Apple Java 6.


Brainstorm is available in two distinct forms, both available for Windows, Linux and MacOSX:

Start Brainstorm

Without Matlab

  1. Download the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) corresponding to your operating system, version 2012b (v8.0). This is a set of libraries that will let you run Brainstorm on your computer without Matlab. Click here: Link to the Mathworks website.

  2. Install the MCR:
    • Windows: Double-click on the .exe and follow the instructions
    • Linux: From a terminal, unzip .zip, then run ./install
    • MacOS: Click on the zip file to unzip it, then click on "InstallForMacOSX".
    It is not clear on the Mathworks website, but the current MCR requires a version of

    MacOSX >= 10.6.4 (Snow Leopard), with Apple Java installed (see link). If you can't install the MCR on your Mac, you can chose between: updating MacOSX or installing a full copy of the Matlab environment.

  3. Run the program in brainstorm3/bin/R2012b/
    • Windows: Double-click on brainstorm3.bat
    • Linux: From a terminal, cd brainstorm3/bin/R2012b/
      • Make sure that the file "brainstorm3.command" is executable:

    => chmod a+x brainstorm3.command

    • run ./brainstorm3.command

    • MacOS: Double-click on brainstorm3.command and wait for instructions

  4. When you start Brainstorm for the first time on Linux or MacOS, you will be prompted to select the folder where you installed the MCR
  5. When asked for the location of the Brainstorm database folder, pick the folder "brainstorm_db" you have just created
  6. Visit the Tutorials section to learn how to use most features of the software.

InstallationR2012b (last edited 2013-11-23 00:07:53 by agrippa)