= Introduction = Brainstorm is a free Matlab application dedicated to Magnetoencephalography(MEG) and Electroencephalography(EEG) data visualization, processing and cortical source estimation. <
>Our intention is to make a comprehensive set of tools available to the scientific community involved in MEG/EEG experimental research.<
>For physicians and researchers, the interest of this software package resides in its rich and intuitive graphic interface, which does not require any programming knowledge. == What you can do with Brainstorm == * Import MEG / EEG recordings from the most popular file formats ([[FileFormats|list here]]) * Pre-processing: * Epoching * Averaging * Frequency filtering * Resampling * Noise covariance estimation * Manual definition of bad channels and bad epochs * Data visualization: * Various time series displays * Data mapping on flat surfaces or the head envelope * Generate slides and animations * Channel selection, and manipulation of clusters of electrodes * 3D surface rendering * MRI visualization and coregistration: * Analysis on individual anatomy or MNI / Colin27 brain. * Import MRI scans, from most of the existing file formats ([[FileFormats|list here]]) * Co-registration with the MEG/EEG coordinate system * Volume rendering (several display modes) * Deformation of the MNI template to fit an set of digitized head points * Database: * Classification of recordings with three levels of definition (protocol, subject, condition/event) * Quick access to all the data in a study * Quick comparison between subjects or conditions * Graphical batching tools (apply a same process to many files in a few clicks) * Forward modeling: * Single sphere method * Overlapping spheres method * Inverse modeling: * Minimum-norm imaging of the cortical current density * dSPM * sLORETA * Source display and analysis: * Surface rendering of the estimated sources * Reprojection of the sources in the MRI volume * Definition of cortical regions of interest (scouts) * Reprojection of estimated sources on a surface with a higher or lower definition * Group analysis: * Registration of individual brains on the MNI "Colin27" brain * Statistical analysis (t-tests, permutations) * Documentation and support: * Easy and automatic updates of the software * Detailed step by step tutorials for most of the common features * Active user forum == What you cannot do with Brainstorm == * Intensive pre-processing of MEG/EEG recordings (noise cancelling, artifact correction/rejection, etc.):<
> => use your constructor's software, or other software solutions (MNE, EEGLab, FieldTrip, etc.). [[Links|See here]]. * MRI segmentation:<
> => use !FreeSurfer, !BrainSuite or !BrainVisa. [[Links|See here]].