= Beamforming methods = ''Authors: Hui-Ling Chan'' The estimation of source distribtion is an important step to understand the brain activity from EEG and MEG data. Dipole fitting, minimum norm estimation, and beamformer are three commonly used methods. It has been proved that beamforming methods provide good spatial resolution. This tutorial introduces beamforming methods, which are commonly used to estimate source distribution from EEG and MEG data. This We are going to use the protocol '''TutorialRaw''' created in the previous tutorial [[http://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Tutorials/TutRawViewer|Review continuous recordings and edit markers]]. If you have not followed this tutorial yet, please do it now. <> == Introduction == Beamfoming methods are ==== Spatial filter ==== Text ==== Section 2 ==== Text == Linearly-constrained minimum variance beamformer (LCMV) == ==== Section 1 ==== Text ==== Section 2 ==== Text == Maximum constrast beamformer (MCB) == ==== Section 1 ==== Text ==== Section 2 ==== Text == Beamformer-based correlation/coherence imaging == ==== Dynamic imaging of coherent sources (DICS) ==== Text ==== Spatiotemporal imaging of linearly-related source components (SILSC) ==== Text