Fitting dipoles with FieldTrip

Authors: Jeremy Moreau, Francois Tadel

This tutorial introduces dipole fitting and visualisation in Brainstorm. You will need to have completed the introductory tutorials up to "Tutorial 16: Average response" before undertaking this tutorial. This tutorial explains how to fit dipoles to time series within Brainstorm. If you already have computed dipole fits using CTF DipoleFit or Neuromag XFit and would like to import them in Brainstorm, see this tutorial.

Warning: This function does not work properly with FieldTrip versions released between 2015-10-05 and 2016-01-15. If you are using a version released around this time, update FieldTrip first.

Fitting dipoles using process FieldTrip: ft_dipolefitting

This process wraps the FieldTrip function ft_dipolefitting. For background information on the implementation of the dipole modelling see the FieldTrip dipole fitting tutorial or watch this video. Note that in order to use this process you will need to have FieldTrip installed and added to your Matlab path.

We will be fitting dipoles to the auditory ERFs computed in "Tutorial 16: Average response". In a first step, we will fit a single dipole to the peak of the M100 ERF component.





Visualising dipole files




Merging dipole files

You may sometimes want to visualise multiple sets of dipoles together on the same MRI viewer. For instance, you may have fit dipoles to a series of individual epileptic spikes, and would like to see whether the dipoles form a cluster. In the context of this tutorial, we are going to merge the M50 dipole file with the M100 dipole file, so that we can see where they localise relative to each other.


FieldTrip: ft_dipolefitting process options

File tag: Text string that will be added at the end of the comment field of the dipole file.

Time window: Time window over which to run the dipole fit. If you want to fit a dipole to a single time point enter the same time value in the start and end field.

Sensor type or names: Type of sensor (e.g. MEG, EEG) or comma separated list of sensor names (e.g. MLF42) to use in the dipole fit. It is not currently possible to select multiple sensor types at once (e.g. both MEG and EEG).

Dipole type: For each time sample within the selected time window, the moving dipole option fits a dipole with a different position and orientation, whereas the regional dipole option fits a dipole with a different orientation but always the same position.

Number of dipoles to fit: The number of dipoles that will be fit at each time point.

Left-right symmetry constraint: Selecting this option imposes a left-right symmetry constraint when fitting two dipoles. You may want to use this when you have a reason to believe that bilateral activation may be occuring (e.g. because you are delivering a stimulus bilaterally).

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Tutorials/DipoleFitting (last edited 2016-01-15 15:53:02 by FrancoisTadel)