Tutorial 7: Scouts

This tutorial uses Sabine Meunier's somatotopy experiment, called TutorialCTF in your Brainstorm database.

In Brainstorm jargon, a scout is a region of interest defined on the cortical surface, consisting of a subset of vertices of this surface. This document explains how to create one or several scouts, use them to retrieve the activity in pre-defined brain regions, and compare between conditions.

Creating a scout

Almost all the features related to the scouts manipulation are accessible in the Scouts tab in main Brainstorm window. We are going to use this panel to create a scout that includes the cortical area that we observed in the previous tutorial: the one that responds to the stimulation of the right thumb.

First vertex (seed)

  1. Select the protocol TutorialCTF, and display the times series for Subject01 / StimRightThumb / ERP (double-click).

  2. Display the associated sources (try it from the time series figure: Ctrl+S, or figure popup menu)
  3. Go to 46ms, and set the data threshold around 80%.
  4. Switch to the Scouts tab, click on the first button (a big cross), and then click in the middle of the red stain in left hemisphere in the 3D figure (rotate and zoom before if necessary). A small dot with the label "1" appears where you clicked. Your first scout is created, and contains only one vertex for the moment. It is now referenced in Available scouts list.

    panelScouts.gif - scouts1.gif

  5. Rename the scout into "LeftSS", for left somatosensory cortex: double-click on it in the Available scouts list, or scouts menu Edit > Rename scout.

  6. Click on the second button in the Scouts panel toolbar, tooltip: Display scouts time series. And you will get the time course of this particular source for the whole time window (-50ms to 250ms).


Growing a scout

In this case, the source is so focal that we could even use only the first vertex we selected to represent this area. But most of the time, the aim of a scout is to get the average activity of a larger region; so for the example, let's grow this scout.

For demonstration purpose, you can add about 15 vertices to scout LeftSS, not in Constrained mode, and display it again.

You can notice that the overall shape is the same as the scout with only one vertex, but the amplitudes are much lower. This is because the time series of all the sources in this scout have been averaged. And as we averaged the maximum values with lower values, the result is lower.

Multiple scouts

We are going to create an other scout for the other condition: the stimulation of the left thumb.

  1. Close all figures (toolbar button).
  2. Display the times series for Subject01 / StimLeftThumb / ERP (double-click).

  3. Display the associated sources (Ctrl+S).
  4. Go to the main response peak (45.6 ms).
  5. Adjust the threshold value to get only a very focal point (about 85%).
  6. Create a new scout at this point. Name it RightSS, for Right Somato-Sensory cortex.

  7. Grow it to the same number of vertices as the LeftSS scout (about 15 vertices).

  8. Select both scouts (Ctrl+click) and click on Display scouts time series button (second button in toolbar).

    panelScouts_LR.gif - scouts_LR.gif


  9. You can also display the values of the two scouts on the same graph. Just check the Overlay > Scouts checkbox in the Scout tab.

    panelOverlayScouts.gif - scoutsTS_LR_overlay.gif

  10. You can observe something that we expected: the activity in the right somatosensory cortex is much higher than in the left somatosensory cortex for a stimulation of the left thumb. The scout RightSS we created

Load/Save scouts

In case you close the Brainstorm window, delete or unload your scouts (and this will happen in the next few minutes), save the scouts before going further.

Display scouts time series from the database tree

You have to display the sources on the cortex to create the scouts. But once they are created, you can directly display the scouts time series from the tree. It means that you can quickly compare the values for a scout between many different conditions without having to open them all.

  1. Close all the figures (button in toolbar).
  2. Select the first scout (LeftSS)
  3. Right-click on the sources file for StimRightThumb condition > Cortical activations > Scouts time series.

    treeRight.gif - treeRight_TS.gif

  4. You can also display many sources files at the same time. Try doing the same selecting both results file at the time

    treeLR.gif - treeLR_TS.gif

  5. You can superimpose the two traces by selecting the Overlay > Conditions checkbox in Scout panel.


  6. This menu "Scouts time series" is present at all the levels. Try right-clicking on Subject01.

    treeSubj.gif - treeSubj_TS.gif

  7. If you select a node in the database tree and click on the Display scouts time series button in the Scout tab, it would have exactly the same effect.
    Try selecting both scouts in the list, select Subject01 in the tree, and then click on this button. You will observe the reponse for each scout in both conditions.


Scout toolbar and menus

Let's spend a few minutes to explore all the menus in the Scout tab. Please click on all of them, it's the best way to remember. If you delete or alter the scouts LeftSS and RightSS: just reload them from the file you've just created.

Absolute / Mean:


Absolute / Max:


Absolute / Power:


Relative / Mean:



Tutorials/TutScouts (last edited 2009-09-25 21:21:36 by hirkania)