Brainstorm workshop survey: Seattle 2013

Selected comments from attendees:

Survey results

Number of participants: 35
Number of returned documents: 16 (45%)
Link to the pdf document.


  1. Before today's class, how would you describe your use of Brainstorm:
    • Never used: 81%

    • Some simulation work: 6%
    • Some experimental work: 6%
    • Experienced user: 6%

    • N/A: 0%
  2. How helpful was the class in learning Brainstorm: 1(worst) to 5(best)
    • 1: 0%
    • 2: 0%
    • 3: 6%
    • 4: 68%

    • 5: 19%

  3. Did you try the online tutorial before coming to class:
    • Yes: 56%

    • No: 44%

  4. Interested in using Brainstorm for:
    • EEG: 88%

    • MEG: 50%

    • MEG+EEG: 31%
    • NIRS: 13%
    • sEEG/ECoG: 13%
    • Scripting: 6%
    • Pre-processing: 38%
    • Visualization of recordings: 56%

    • Source analysis: 69%

    • Time-frequency: 63%

    • Functional connectivity: 81%

    • Statistics: 50%

    • Research: 69%

    • Clinical applications: 63%

    • Epilepsy: 56%

    • Baby / infant studies: 44%

    • Other: Non-human primate: 6%

Comments and suggestions

The number indicates the number of participants who made similar comments.

Comments about the workshop

Missing topics and requests

Missing tools in Brainstorm

Technical issues

Results analysis

Results encoding

  1. 1=Never used, 2=Some simulation work, 3=Some experimental work, 4=Experienced user, 0=NA
  2. How helpful: 1(worst) to 5(best), 0=N/A
  3. Online tutorials before coming: 1=No, 2=Yes, 0=N/A

Results values

  1. 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
  2. 0 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4
  3. 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2

WorkshopSeattle2013Survey (last edited 2013-06-26 13:31:30 by 132)