Brain network connectivity with 128 channel ERP data

Hi all,

I wanted to do brain network connectivity analysis after source localization.However,when I computed coherence with grand average ERP data,there was one error:



You do not have enough memory for what you are trying to execute, you need to decrease the size of the problem. You can find inspiration from the forum, for example:


Thank you for your reply,Francois!
I defined one scout, then computed coherence between the scout and the whole brain, but there seemed no connectivity.

I used the grand averaged data, maybe the epochs were not enough? Or maybe the scout I chose was not suitable?

I recorded scalp EEG, and used the default anatomy(ICBM152), and got 15000×15000 vertices, these vertices are too much for computation. Could I reduce the vertices to 4000 or less ? How to do that?
Many thanks!

I’m sorry, it is difficult for us to help you with this limited information. There are too many options in these connectivity processes and too many possible analysis pipelines.
Please post more detailed questions, explain exactly what you wanted to do (your hypothesis, your literature references), what you did on your data (measures, options…), what you obtained, and why this is not what you expect.