Cortical Parcellation Problem

Hi Francois,

I'm so sorry for asking a lot.
I've downloaded Yeo_2011 cortical parcellation files from FreeSurfer website:
I've tested 2 files but the result is not good.
I've tried to use human Connectome project parcellation files but the result was the same as the first following picture.
Would you please let me know how can I solve this problem?

Best Regards,

The cortical parcellations are either volume atlases, or surface textures that are valid for one and only one surface tesselation. If you want to use a parcellation you download from somehwere else than Brainstorm, you need to import the surface that goes with it.

For the Yeo atlas, refer directly to Jeff Eriksen’s posts, and contact him directly if you have questions:
How to import other brain atlases to use as scouts
Not allowed to rename atlases

Thanks a lot for reply
my main idea is using Human Connectome project parcellation.
I’ve downloaded this parcellation files. there are a lot of .nii and .gii files.
I should try to find the right one.
