Inter-trial phase coherence (ITC)

Hello all,

I’m very new to brainstorm, & I’m loving it so far.

I’m curious what methods people are using for ITC.

  • Exporting to different software?
  • Saving the complex values for all trials then using matlab functions from within brainstorm?
  • Some standardly used, but undocumented, plugin?


We talked previously (@MartinC) about having this easily available through Brainstorm, either as standalone process, or an option to save intertrial coherence instead of average power from the Time-frequency process. You could do it for now by calculating the complex wavelet coefficients through the Time-frequency process (save complex values). Then loading it into Matlab and computing the metric you want as described here: (the sum is always taken over trials)

There’s two different metrics that people use, one that uses only phase information (inter-trial phase coherence, like phase-locking-value) and one that keeps also amplitude information (inter-trial linear coherence, like coherence). But I’ve read different papers referring to either of the two when talking about ITC.

Ok cool. Until now all my TF computations have been either with EEGLab or just manually in matlab, so that will be straightforward. Is there a decent way to load the ITC values back into Brainstorm for stats &/or visualization?

@MartinC: Can I let you handle this with @peterd and @Sylvain ?

I just saw @Francois’s comment from yesterday on the thread Import time-frequency data from fieldtrip that one solution would be to compute the equivalent file in Brainstorm & replace the data matrix. I should be able to do that with some tinkering (though of course if someone has already figured it out, I wouldn’t turn them away).

Suppose I computed a TF matrix of magnitude averaged over all trials in Brainstorm, then replaced the magnitude values with ITC. Am I correct in thinking Brainstorm would treat the new data in the same way? Is there a different data format that I should “tell Brainstorm” it is that would work better?

Thanks again.

This could work as well.
You have to pay attention to the additional processing that might be done on time-frequency files when you load them. Setting the field “Measure” to ‘none’ should prevent any transformation of the values in the TF matrix.

I just saw this old post about computing ITC. I saw the link to the sample code using fieldtrip, but I was just curious if you have implemented something similar in Brainstorm?


@Sylvain @leahy @peterd ?

I don’t have a working BST process for this, sorry.

It’s my turn to compute ITC :). Are there some news about a BST process for this, please? Or some advices from someone who exported data from BST to fieldtrip to compute ITC with fieldtrip, please?