= The Brainstorm Team = == Principal investigators == <)>> <)>>[[AboutUs/SylvainBaillet|Sylvain Baillet, PhD]]<)>> ''Associate Professor, Director MEG Research''<
>''!McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute<
>!McGill University, Montreal, QC Canada'' <)>> <)>> <)>>[[AboutUs/RichardLeahy|Richard M. Leahy, PhD]]<)>> ''Signal & Image Processing Institute, Director<
>University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA USA'' <)>> <)>> <)>>[[AboutUs/JohnMosher|John C. Mosher, PhD]]<)>> ''MEG research, Director<
>Epilepsy Center<
>Cleveland Clinic Neurological Institute, Cleveland, OH USA'' <)>> == Senior software engineer == <)>> <)>>[[AboutUs/FrancoisTadel|François Tadel, MSc]]<)>> ''!McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute<
>!McGill University, Montreal, QC Canada'' <)>> == Key collaborators == <)>> <)>>[[AboutUs/DimitriosPantazis|Dimitrios Pantazis, PhD]]<)>> ''MEG Lab, !McGovern Institute for Brain Research<
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA USA'' <)>> <)>> <)>>[[http://alexandre.gramfort.net/|Alexandre Gramfort, PhD]]<)>> ''INRIA Neurospin, Paris, France <
>MGH Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA'' <)>> <)>> <)>>[[http://ilabs.washington.edu/research-staff/bio/i-labs-rey-ramirez-phd/|Rey R. Ramirez, PhD]]<)>> ''I-LABS MEG Brain Imaging Center<
>University of Washington, Seattle, WA USA'' <)>> == Awesome contributors == Canada''' ''' * MNI, Montreal''': Elizabeth Bock, Esther Florin ''' USA''' ''' * USC, Los Angeles''': Sergul Aydore, Syed Ashrafulla, Felix Darvas, Esen Kucukaltun-Yildirim, John Ermer, Alexei Ossadtchi, Belma Dogdas ''' * MGH, Boston''': Matti Hamalainen,'''''' Sheraz Khan ''' * UCSF, San Francisco''': Darren Weber ''' France''' ''' * CNRS, Paris''': Denis Schwartz, Line Garnero, Antoine Ducorps, Karim N'Diaye, Guillaume Dumas, Lydia Yahia-Cherif''' * Neurospin, Paris''': Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Lucie Charles, Lauri Parkkonen ''' * Inserm, Lyon''': Claude Delpuech, Louis Hovasse ''' * CEA, Grenoble''': Etienne Labyt ''' == Support == This software was generated primarily with support from the '''National Institutes of Health''' under grants R01-EB002010, R01-EB009048, and R01-EB000473. Primary support also includes permanent site support from the '''Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique''' (CNRS, France) for the Cognitive Neuroscience & Brain Imaging Laboratory (La Salpetriere Hospital and Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France). Additional support was provided by two grants from the '''French National Research Agency''' (ANR) to the Cognitive Neuroscience Unit (Inserm/CEA, Neurospin, France) and to the ViMAGINE project (ANR-08-BLAN-0250), and by the Epilepsy Center in the Cleveland Clinic Neurological Institute. '''''<
>'' '''