Brainstorm user community

Connect with other users

Let us know if you would like to get in touch with other Brainstorm users next to you or with similar interests, to exchange functions or expertise:

Software statistics: June 2013

Number of user accounts registered on the website: 7904


Number of software downloads per month: (average 2013 = 460/month)


Number of messages posted on the forum: 4288


Number of peer-reviewed articles and book chapters citing Brainstorm: 198


Website statistics

Unique visitors

Unique visitors on this website (12 months): 19,820
Period: July 2012 - July 2013
Source: Google Analytics



Visit time

Total visit time on this website (12 months): 3022 hours
Period: July 2012 - July 2013
Source: Google Analytics


Hours of visit per city:


Community (last edited 2013-09-06 19:22:51 by agrippa)