Export raw files in BIDS format

Authors: Martin Cousineau, Sylvain Baillet.

Brainstorm can export raw EEG and MEG files following the standard data organization of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS).

For an example of how to import an existing BIDS dataset, refer to the following tutorial.

Note: Only EEG and MEG data files are supported for now. We will support electrophysiology BIDS exports when the specifications for those data types are finalized by the BIDS community.

How to use


Process options

Sidecar required fields

The BIDS specification has required fields in both the general dataset description JSON file and the specific data sidecar JSON files. Using the raw files metadata, Brainstorm detects and specifies most of these required fields. However, some of these fields fields cannot be extracted automatically and therefore need to be specified by the user:

Additional metadata

Additional metadata can be entered in order to generate a README.txt file describing your dataset, as well as adding custom fields in the BIDS JSON sidecar files. Click the Edit... button to open up a new window with additional fields.


The two following options need to be formatted in JSON. Please refer to the examples shown in the screenshot. To add more fields, add a comma at the end of the "field": "value" lines. You may leave these blank if you do not want to provide additional optional fields.

Additional documentation



ExportBids (last edited 2019-02-21 21:36:03 by ?MartinCousineau)