
Sources or binaries ?

The distribution of Brainstorm is available in two formats: Matlab source code (.m scripts), and compiled binaries.

If you have a Matlab installation running on your computer or if you can get a licence easily, you should download the source distribution. It will be much easier to make it work, to update, to fix, and you will be able to use the rich Matlab environment to perform custom computation or visualization operations.

If you don't have Matlab, you can use a compiled version if you find one corresponding to your operating system in the Download section. "Compiled" means processed with the Matlab Compiler Toolbox. It does not produce real native executable code, but requires the Matlab Component Runtime, a library which is freely redistributable and included in the binary distributions. This explains why the compiled version of Brainstorm is over 200Mb.

Installation steps (Sources)

  1. Visit the Register section, create an account, and then go the Download section.
  2. Download the toolbox sources archive.
  3. Unzip it somewhere you usually put program files.
  4. Somewhere else, create an empty folder to store your Brainstorm database (for instance "brainstorm_database", or "brainstorm_protocols").

    • Do not create this folder in the brainstorm3 program folder

    • This directory will be managed completely automatically by Brainstorm
    • Never put your original data files in this directory: it could prevent Brainstorm to manage it efficiently

    • All the data in Brainstorm database need to be imported via the GUI
  5. Start Matlab, go to the brainstorm3 directory, and type "brainstorm" in the Matlab command window.
    • Do not add brainstorm3 and subdirectories to your Matlab path, this will be managed automatically.

  6. It should display a nice splash screen and then ask you several things.
  7. Visit the Tutorials section to learn what to do.

Updating your existing installation (Sources)

Brainstorm is improving every day. It is recommended to update the software regularly.

Installation steps (Binaries)

Coming soon

BrainStorm directories

Some more explanations about files and folders.
Brainstorm needs different directories, please try not to put everything at the same place, it won't work:

Installation (last edited 2010-01-27 01:30:33 by hirkania)