Installation & Update



  1. Visit the Download section, create an account, and follow the indications.

  2. Download the latest archive
  3. Unzip it somewhere you usually put your program files. For example:

    • Windows: Program Files\brainstorm3

    • Linux: /usr/local/brainstorm3 (or $HOME/brainstorm3 if you are not admin)

    • MacOS: Applications/brainstorm3

  4. Create an empty folder "brainstorm_db" to store your Brainstorm database. For example:

    • Windows: My documents\brainstorm_db

    • Linux: /home/username/brainstorm_db

    • MacOS: Documents/brainstorm_db

Start the application

With Matlab

  1. Start Matlab
  2. Do NOT add brainstorm3 folder to your path

  3. Go to the brainstorm3 folder
  4. Type "brainstorm" in the command window
  5. Visit the Tutorials section to learn what to do next.

Without Matlab

  1. Go to the Download section again

  2. Download the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) for your operating system.
  3. Install it:
    • Windows: Double-click on the .exe and follow the instructions

    • Linux: From a terminal, unzip .zip, then run ./install

    • MacOS: Unzip, install

  4. Run the program in brainstorm3/bin/R2011b/
    • Windows: Double-click on brainstorm3.jar (no console) or brainstorm3.bat (console)

    • Linux: From a terminal, run ./brainstorm.command

    • MacOS: Double-click on brainstorm.command

  5. Select the folder in which you installed the MCR library (Linux and MacOS only)
  6. Visit the Tutorials section to learn what to do next.


Brainstorm is improving every day. It is recommended to update the software regularly.

Installation (last edited 2011-12-07 21:18:39 by grumio)