Installation & Updates

Brainstorm is available in two distinct forms:

  1. a stand-alone executable application (Matlab not required)
  2. an open-source Matlab application (Matlab required).

The stand-alone application is a Java executable that is expected to run on most operating systems. Please let us know through the forum if you are running into compatibility issues.

For the Matlab version


  1. Go to the Download page, complete the quick and free registration process (it helps us keep track of our users' demographics),

  2. Download the latest archive
  3. Unzip it somewhere on your computer, for example:

    • Windows: Program Files\brainstorm3

    • Linux: /usr/local/brainstorm3 (or ~/brainstorm3 if you are not admin)

    • MacOS: Applications/brainstorm3

  4. Create a new folder named e.g., "brainstorm_db", which will be used by the Brainstorm database. For example:

    • Windows: My documents\brainstorm_db

    • Linux: /home/username/brainstorm_db

    • MacOS: Documents/brainstorm_db

Start Brainstorm

With Matlab

  1. Start Matlab
  2. Do NOT add brainstorm3 folder to your path: this will be done by Brainstorm itself

  3. Go to the brainstorm3 folder
  4. Type "brainstorm" in the command window
  5. When asked for the location of the Brainstorm database folder, pick the folder "brainstorm_db" you have just created
  6. We recommend you visit the Tutorials pages to learn how to use most features of the software.

Without Matlab

  1. Go to the Download page

  2. Download the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) corresponding to your operating system. The MCR is a set of libraries that will let you run Brainstorm on your computer, without Matlab.

  3. Install the MCR:
    • Windows & MacOS: Double-click on the .exe and follow the instructions

    • Linux: From a terminal, unzip .zip, then run ./install

  4. Run the program in brainstorm3/bin/R2012a/
    • Windows: Double-click on brainstorm3.jar (no console) or brainstorm3.bat (console)

    • Linux: From a terminal, cd brainstorm3/bin/R2012a/

      • Make sure that the file "brainstorm.command" is executable:
        => chmod a+x brainstorm.command

      • run ./brainstorm.command
    • MacOS: Double-click on brainstorm.command

  5. When you start Brainstorm for the first start on Linux or MacOS, you will be prompted to select the folder where you installed the MCR
  6. When asked for the location of the Brainstorm database folder, pick the folder "brainstorm_db" you have just created
  7. Visit the Tutorials section to learn how to use most features of the software.


Brainstorm is quickly improving and evolving. We have chosen not to go through a stable-release policy but rather, we established a quick and easy way to update the software seamlessly for you. Although this approach has its shares of risks of possibly seeing new bugs emerging from the most recent update, it has the great advantage of being dynamic and of rapidly disseminating new, important features. We encourage our users to report bugs through our forum, and our experience shows fixes are completed quickly enough to avoid disruptive downtime to our users.

For these reasons, we recommend that you update Brainstorm regularly using the following options:

Installation (last edited 2012-04-04 22:15:44 by grumio)