= Introduction = <
> !BrainStorm is an integrated free Matlab toolbox dedicated to '''Magnetoencephalography'''(MEG) and '''Electroencephalography'''(EEG) data visualization and processing. Our intention is to make a comprehensive set of tools available to the scientific community involved in MEG/EEG experimental research. === What you can do with BrainStorm === * Import MEG / EEG from the most popular file formats [[FileFormats|(list here)]] * Data visualization: * Various time series displays * Data mapping on the head surface * Generate slides and animations * Channel selection * Data filtering * 3D surface renderin * MRI visualization and coregistration: * Import MRI scans, from most of the existing file formats ([[FileFormats|list here]]) * Co-registration with the MEG/EEG coordinate system * Volume rendering * Forward modeling: * Single sphere method * Overlapping spheres method * Realistic head models using BEM and FEM * Group analysis: * Registration of individual brains on the MNI "Colin27" brain * Statistical analysis (t-tests, permutations) === What you cannot do with BrainStorm === * Pre-processing of the MEG/EEG recordings:<
>use your constructor's software, or other software solutions (MNE, EEGLab, etc.). [[Links|See here]]. * MRI segmentation:<
>use !FreeSurfer, !BrainSuite or !BrainVisa. [[Links|See here]]. <
> == Requirements == ---- !BrainStorm is written in Matlab code only, thus it can run on any operating system supported by Matlab (including Windows, Linux, MacOS...). If you have a Matlab licence: * You can download and run directly the BrainStorm source scripts, * Minimum Matlab version: '''7.1 (= R14-SP3)''' If you do not have a Matlab licence: * You can download the BrainStorm binaries corresponding to your operating system. * The executables are build using the Matlab Compiler (mcc) * They will install automatically the Matlab Component Runtime (MCR) on your computer, a freely redistributable library