Tutorial 16: Average response

Authors: Francois Tadel, Elizabeth Bock, Sylvain Baillet

All the epochs we have imported in the previous tutorial are represented by matrices that have the same size (same number of channels, same number of time points), therefore they can be averaged together by experimental condition. The result is called indifferently "evoked response", "average response", "event-related field" in MEG (ERF) or "event-related potential" in EEG (ERP). It shows the components of the brain signals that are strictly time-locked to the presentation of a stimulus.

Average trials separately

We will now compute the average responses for both the "standard" and "deviant" conditions, for each acquisition run separately. Note that in MEG, it is not recommended to average across acquisition runs which correspond to different head positions (ie. different "channel files"). If the head of the subject moved between two blocks of recordings, one sensor does not record the same part of the brain before and after, therefore the runs cannot be compared directly.

Process options

Description of all the options of the process:

Averaging across runs + StdErr


Doing it for illustration purposes.

From continuous tutorials:


Drag and drop the two lists of trials (or the two condition folders) in the Process1 list, and run the process "Average > Average files", with the option "Average by condition (subject average)". This will group the trials by conditions, and calculate one average per condition and subject. The option "By condition (grand average)" would average each condition for all the subjects together, but as there is only one subject in this case, the result would be same. The other options would generate one average file per subject ("by subject"), one average file per group of trials and per subject ("by trial group"), or only one average no matter what the input is ("everything").

The function to apply is the regular arithmetic average. The option "Keep all the events from the individual epochs" would group all the event markers present in all the epochs and save them in the new averaged file. It can be useful to check the relative position of the artifacts or the subject responses, or quickly detect some unwanted configuration such as a subject who would constantly blink right after a visual stimulus. We don't really need this here, leave this option unselected.


It creates two files: "Avg: left" and "Avg: right".


Double-click on the "Avg: Left" file to display the MEG recordings for this file (or right-click > MEG > display time series). It shows a very typical an clean evoked response, with a very high signal-to-noise ratio.


Just for the records, this is how it would look like if we had selected the option "Keep all the events from the individual epochs". The summary of the markers of all the epochs is: 37 heartbeats and 2 blinks.


From auditory

Visual exploration

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Tutorials/Averaging (last edited 2015-07-13 16:39:34 by FrancoisTadel)