Compute sources in deep cerebral structures : DBA tutorial

Authors: Jean-Eudes Le Douget, Denis Schwartz

This tutorial explains step-by-step how to use the DBA (Deep Brain Activity) functionality, useful to assess subcortical source localization.

Import database

To follow through the tutorial, the dataset can be downloaded *here*.

It contains MEG resting-state recordings of 7 subjects under 2 conditions, eyes-open (YO) and eyes-closed (YF). For each subject and under each condition, 20 runs of 15 seconds are included in the dataset.

The dataset is already in Brainstorm format and simply needs to be loaded via File > Load Protocol. LoadProtocol

The following steps detail a method to compute the Eyes-Open vs Eyes-Closed contrast in the alpha band.

Note that the data have already been filtered in the alpha frequency band (7-13Hz) and that for simplicity, default anatomy is used for all subjects.

Select deep structures

The first step consists in creating the surface file that includes the cortex and the deep structures that we want to include in the model. Here, in the default anatomy:

SelectStructures MergeSurfaces RenameCtx SourceModelOptions SetModelingOptions

Compute source activity

Then, compute a headmodel for each subject as "Custom Source Model" ; it is advised to run it as batch from the pipeline editor.

HeadModelBatch HeadModelOptions

At this stage, it is now possible to compute sources.

ComputeSources SourceOptions SourceOptions2

You can now visualize activity the same way as for usual headmodels.


If the activity of the volume structures (thalamus and amygdala here) do not appear, try moving the Min size cursor to max and then back to 1.

Compute statistics

Now that the source calculations are done, we design a statistical analysis to assess the eyes-open and eyes-closed contrast.

Volume scouts

Some subcortical structures are modeled as volume source structures (for instance here, the thalamus and the amygdala). It is not possible to display scouts time series for these structures from the "Source model" or "Structures" atlases. It is necessary to create a new atlas, specific to volumic scouts. The steps are the following :

Tutorials/DeepAtlas (last edited 2015-09-09 13:56:21 by FrancoisTadel)