Tutorial 12: Explore the average response

Authors: Francois Tadel, Elizabeth Bock, Sylvain Baillet

From continuous tutorials:

Online filter

As introduced in the previous tutorials, you can add an online visualization filter to make the traces and the topographies look smoother. We suggest in this case a low-pass filter at 120Hz, because it shows very smooth traces, but all the waves we are interested in are still clearly visible in the MEG time series figure.


Explore the average

Open the time series for the "Avg: left". Then press Control+T, to see on the side a spatial topography at the current time point. Then observe what is happening between 0ms and 100ms. Start at 0ms and play it like a movie using the arrow keys left and right, to follow the brain activity millisecond by millisecond:

avg16.gif avg30.gif

avg60.gif avg70.gif

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Tutorials/ExploreRecordings (last edited 2015-02-03 16:42:18 by FrancoisTadel)