= Tutorial 13: Head model =
''Authors: Francois Tadel, Elizabeth Bock, John C Mosher, Sylvain Baillet''


From continuous tutorials:

== Source analysis ==
Let's  reproduce the same observations at the source level. The concepts  related with the source estimation are not discussed here; for more  information, refer to the introduction tutorials #6 to #8.

First, '''delete''' all the files related with the source estimation calculated in the previous tutorials, available in the ''(Common files)''  folder: the head model, the noise covariance and inverse model. We can  now provide a better estimate of the noise (affects the inverse model),  and we defined new SSP operators (affects the head model).

=== Head model ===
Right-click on any node that contains the channel file (including the  channel file itself), and select: "'''Compute head model'''".  Leave all the default options: cortex source space, and overlapping  spheres. The lead  field  matrix is saved in file "Overlapping spheres"  in ''(Common files)''.


