Tutorial 5: Exploring the recordings

This tutorial is based on the TutorialCTF protocol, and will show you how to explore efficiently the sensory response to an electric stimulation of the fingers.

Display recordings

Several display modes are available for recordings. They are all accessible with a right-click.The first four menus (MEG, MEG REF, Stim, Video), represent all the different types of channels that were found in the channel file. You can check that with Channel Edit (right-click on channel file > Edit). We are only interested in the "MEG" in this tutorial. Select Left / ERF > MEG > Display time series.


Now repeat this operation several times to display all the available modes: Display time series, 3D sensor cap, 2D sensor cap, 2D disc and 2D Layout. You should now see all the figures displayed below. Keep them opened for the next few paragraphs, you will learn how to manipulate multiple views of the same data.

Display time series

Amplitude fluctuations over time for all the sensors.


Buttons available on the figure:

List of mouse and keyboard operations for this type of figure (most of the operations are detailed later):

3D Sensor cap / 2D Sensor cap / 2D Disc

The recordings at a given time instant and interpolated over a 2D or 3D surface.

data3Dcap.gif data2Dcap.gif data2Ddisc.gif

Keyboard and mouse shortcuts:

2D layout

The time course of each channel is drawn at the actual position of the electrode, projected in 2D the same way as 2D Sensor cap. The light gray lines represent the zero amplitude (horizontal) and the current time (vertical lines).

data2Dlayout.gif data2DlayoutWhite.gif data2DlayoutMenu.gif

Only a part of the full time window is displayed for each channel, before and after the current time. The length of this time window can be modified either with the mouse shortcut Control+wheel, or with the 2D Layout options, in the figure popup menu. Other options are also available in the popup menu.

Magnetic interpolation

Some of the views (3D Sensor cap / 2D Sensor cap / 2D Disc), are by default re-interpolating the field that is recorded by the sensors to get much smoother displays. A simple inverse problem + forward problem are solved to reconstruct the magnetic fields on a high-resolution surface.

The menu "No magnetic interpolation" offer the same views, but without using this reconstruction of the magnetic field, and performing instead a spatial interpolation of the values between the sensors.

data3Dcap.gif data2Dcap.gif data2Ddisc.gif

Important note

If you are experiencing any kind of graphic bug, you should try to disable the OpenGL renderer. In Brainstorm main window, select menu File > Set preferences, and check the option "OpenGL: Disabled (no transparency)". All the 3D views would be very slow and with no transparency, but it may solve all the problems. This is more likely to happen on 64bit machines or when working on a remote system (X-server, VirtualBox, Windows remote desktop connection...).

You may also try keeping the OpenGL renderer but typing "opengl software" before you run Brainstorm. It would force Matlab to do a software OpenGL rendering instead of using the 3D hardware accelerations. The display would be similar to hardware OpenGL but much slower.

Time exploration

The time window and the current time instant are centralized and managed from the top of the Brainstorm window. You can use the text box or the buttons to change the current time value. All the figures always stay synchronized, you cannot display the 2D disc topography at t=10ms and the 3D sensor cap topography at t=50ms at the same time. It might look too restrictive at the beginning, but the contrary would have made the interface much too complex; we wanted to keep it as simple and intuitive as possible.


The time window panel is not the best way to explore your recordings. There are many other shortcuts that are much faster to navigate through the time.

To remember: An efficient and quick way to review your recordings just after importation is to:

  1. Open a Time series window (double click on recordings file)
  2. Click on the time of interest (eg. first response peak)
  3. Open a topography view of your choice (2D disc, 2D sensor cap, or 3D sensor cap)
    You can do this by right-clicking on the time series figure > MEG Topography (or Ctrl+T keyboard shortcut).

  4. Use the left/right arrows, and PageUp/PageDown keys (or Fn+Up / Fn+Down on a Mac)

Sensors selection

You can select some channels, and then display them separately or mark them as good or bad.

  1. Now close all the figures except the Time series and the 2D Sensor cap topography (if you don't remember which one it was, close everything and open again these two figures).

  2. On 2D Sensor cap figure: right-click anywhere on the window > Channels > Display sensors. You'll see white dots representing the center of each MEG coil. Note that there is keyboard shortcut indicated for this menu: Ctrl + E.

  3. Press Ctrl + E several times and see what happens. Come back to the display with only the sensors markers (no labels).

  4. Click on some white dots.
    • They turn red and the corresponding lines in the time series window also turn red
    • Left-click on the lines in the time series window: it also selects the sensors
    • Right-click on a red line in time series figure: shows the name and index of the selected channel
    • Click on a selected (red) point or line: the sensor is deselected.
    • To deselect all the sensors, press Escape or right-click > Channels > Reset selection

  5. Now select randomly three sensors.


  6. Right-click > Channels > View selected (Shortcut = Enter key). A new window is created, with only those three sensors, whose names are indicated in a legend box (you can move this legend if needed).

    channelPopupMenu.gif channelViewSelected.gif

  7. Close that last figure. In the 2D topography figure, right-click and move the mouse to select a group of sensors, just to remember that this feature exists.


Time series in columns

There are two display modes for the MEG signals: "butterfly", what we've seen until now, or "column". Double click on Left/ERP to open a time series figure. To switch from the current mode to the "column" mode, click on buttonTsCol.gif in the Record tab.


A better way to review a large number of MEG/EEG signals at once is to display only a subset of them at once. This can be done using the "montage" interface. The term refers mainly to EEG, to define the referencing system used to display the values recorded on the electrodes: bipolar montages, custom reference electrodes, average reference. However, the same interface can be used in MEG to select only a subset of sensors in a given figure, using a predefined or custom set of channels.

Time selection

Go back to the previous view mode ("butterfly view") and in the Record tab, select the menu "All channels" again. Keep this selection for the rest of the tutorial.

Bad channels

If you find out that a sensor has unexpected values, that are not coherent with the other surrounding sensors, you can choose to ignore it in the displays and in the source estimation process. In the channel file, each channel has a flag which indicates if it is good or bad. You may also import recordings files that already have some bad channels defined.

Colormap configuration

Multiple windows

One interesting feature of the Brainstorm interface is to open easily multiple conditions or subjects simultaneously. The buttons in the "Window layout options" menu can help you organize all the opened figures in an efficient way. There are four options for the automatic placement of the figures on the screen and you have the possibility to save your own specific working environment. Open a few figures and try the different options.

Automatic figure positioning

User setups

Uniform amplitude scales

Database navigator

The Navigator menu can help you to go quickly from a dataset to another. It can be almost indispensable when your are reviewing 200 trials of the same MEG response.



Using Brainstorm, you will quickly feel like saving the beautiful images you produce. For that you can:

Keyboard shortcuts

Here is a memo of all the keyboard shortcuts for time series and topography figures. If you don't remember them, you can find most of them in the figure popup menus.


Feedback: Comments, bug reports, suggestions, questions
Email address (if you expect an answer):


Now you are able to use all the tools that are available for importing and displaying your MEG or EEG recordings, and should start to feel comfortable with the database explorer.The next two steps are the resolution of the forward problem and the inverse problem. ?Next.

Tutorials/TutExploreRecodings (last edited 2014-02-11 15:25:01 by agrippa)