Import and process Neuromag raw recordings

This tutorial describes how to process raw Neuromag recordings. It is based on median nerve stimulation acquired at MGH in 2005 with a Neuromag Vectorview 306 system. The sample dataset contains the results for one subject for both arms.

This document shows what to do step by step, but does not really explain what is happening, the meaning of the different options or processes, the issues or bugs you can encounter, and does not provide an exhaustive description of the software features. Those topics are introduced in the basic tutorials based on CTF recordings; so make sure that you followed all those initial tutorials before going through this one.

The script file tutorial_mind_neuromag.m in the brainstorm3/toolbox/script folder performs exactly the same tasks automatically, without any user interaction. Please have a look at this file if you plan to write scripts to process recordings in .fif format.

Download and installation

Importing anatomy

Create the subject

Import the MRI

Import the surfaces

Importing MEG recordings

Tutorials/TutMindNeuromag (last edited 2010-05-28 22:38:02 by cpe-76-168-90-100)