Phase-amplitude coupling

This tutorial introduces the concept of phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) and the metrics used in Brainstorm to estimate it. Those tools are illustrated on three types of data: simulated recordings, rat intra-cranial recordings and MEG signals.

Phase-amplitude coupling

Illustrated introduction and mathematical background.

Simulated recordings

Step-by-step instructions with as many screen captures as possible: generation and analysis of the signals.

Rat recordings

How to download the data.

Step-by-step instructions to analyze the recordings.


Step-by-step instructions to analyze the wMNE source signals for Phase Amplitude Coupling.

In order to do this part of the tutorial you will need to get the file from the Download page.

Preparation of the anatomy, basic pre-processing and source modeling will be only mentioned briefly and will be similar to the continuous recordings tutorials found here: Continuous Recordings Tutorial

Step 1: Pre-processing

The first steps include importing the anatomy and the functional data and projecting the sources. If you you require more information than the brief overview provided here detailed description and guidance for all the steps can be found in the Continuous Recordings tutorial or within the tutorials for the '12 Easy steps for Brainstorm', all of which are available from this page: Tutorials

Before doing Phase amplitude coupling analysis we need the pre-processed files to analyze. We need to:

First steps



You now need to define the fiducial points

Functional data


All data should be pre-processed and checked for artifacts prior to doing analyses such as PAC (including marking bad segments, and correcting for artifacts such as eye blinks and heartbeats with SSPs). For the purposes of this tutorial, we will artifact correct with SSPs but will not go through marking out bad sections. When using your own data reviewing the raw data for bad sections and using clean data is of the utmost importance.

SSPs for cardiac and eye artifact;


Regarding sin removal: PAC analysis involves examining a very wide band of frequencies, often the examining the entire range of 2Hz - 150Hz or more. This band contains the frequencies contaminated by line noise, of either 50 or 60 Hz and their harmonics. Here we will not do sin removal in part because it would too long for the sake of a tutorial but also because it is reasonable the not perform it. The PAC function looks for high frequencies occuring specifically certain phases of low signals such that the ubiquitous nature of line contamination effectively cancels it out for being identified as PAC. (Similarly, doing sin removal results in no 60 Hz anywhere, such that the function also identifies no PAC).

To demonstrate that we can safely proceed without sin removal, consider the following PAC maps performed on the same time series with the only difference being lin noise removal (60 Hz and 120Hz). The one on the left is the raw signal and the one on the right had sin removal performed.


Best practice regarding line noise removal and PAC estimates is: ???


Once the data is pre-processed and ready for further analysis we will now import the data into Brainstorm, project the sources and do the PAC analysis


Note: importing this long recording will create a new large file (~3 gb) and may take a couple minutes.

Project Sources

The imported file should have saved as a new condition in our tree in the brainstorm database. At this point we still have the sensor data and now want to project the data into source space. We will need a head model and noise covariance matrix (as well as the imported anatomy) in order to do this.

Noise covariance: In the original zip download folder there is an empty room recording from when this data was collected. It is labelled XXXX


We are now ready to run the PAC analysis.

Step 2: Using the PAC Function - the Basics

Once you have the sources projected onto the anatomy proceed with the following instructions to use the PAC function on the source data.

The Function


Process Options

Once you click on 'Phase-amplitude coupling' you should get a pop-up box with the following options.


We will first test the process by computed the PAC for a single vertice. This will allow us to examine what the PAC process does and visualize the result.




Step 3: Verifying with Canolty Maps - the Basics

Canolty maps are a type of Time Frequency decomposition that offer another way to visualize the data and serve as a complimentary tool to visualize and assess Phase-Amplitude Coupling.


The Function

The Canolty Map's function is also found in the Frequency tab from the process functions.


There are two ways to use Canolty maps - you can manually input a low frequency of interest or you can give it the maxPAC file and it will take the low frequency at the maxPAC value.

We will continue by doing the Process2 version to compliment are maxPAC results.

Click on the Process2 tab. In the FileA box drop the original time series (the source data file). In the FileB box drop the maxPAC file that we just created for source.


When you click on the Canolty Maps (process2) function you should get a an options box like this.


Process Options

The only difference in the Process1 version of Canolty Maps is the additional required field of Nesting Frequency. In this case you can enter in any low frequency of interest with which to compute the Canolty Map(s).















An alternative check we can use Canolty maps is to verify that in the case where the PAC function indicates very low levels of Phase-amplitude coupling, that the Canolty map function also corroborates this.



Step 4: More PAC analysis

So far we have only looked at a single vertex in source space. It is quite likely

Tutorials/TutPac (last edited 2014-01-15 00:15:47 by talbot)