Tutorial 9: Processes

This tutorial uses Sabine Meunier's somatotopy experiment, called TutorialCTF in your Brainstorm database.

The Processes tab in Brainstorm window is a very generic tool that can be used to apply a function or extract data from any set of data files (recordings or sources). Its main applications are: pre-processing, averaging, and data extraction.

Files to process

First, you have to select the files you want to process. You can drad'n'drop any node that contains recordings or sources from the database explorer to the Processes list.

Process selection


Z-Score noise normalization

Scout time series

>> peak_values
peak_values =
      ImagingKernel: []
       ImageGridAmp: [15010x2 double]
           Whitener: [151x151 double]
        nComponents: 1
            Comment: 'MN: MEG | timemean(-50ms,250ms)'
           Function: 'minnorm'
               Time: [1 375]
      ImageGridTime: [-0.0496 0.2496]
        ChannelFlag: [182x1 double]
        GoodChannel: [1x151 double]
      HeadModelFile: '/Subject01/StimRightThumb/headmodel_surf_os_meg_CD.mat'
        SurfaceFile: '/Subject01/tess_cortex_concat.mat'
           DataFile: '/Subject01/StimRightThumb/data_....mat'
       DescFileName: {'/Subject01/StimRightThumb/results_....mat'  '/Subject01/StimLeftThumb/results__....mat'}
        DescCluster: {}
    DescProcessType: 'timemean'


This is the end of the first tutorial, based on CTF MEG recordings.

Other important notions are going to be introduced in a tutorial based on EEG data : clusters of electrodes, and statistical analysis. But please go again through all the importation / anatomy definition

Tutorials/TutProcesses (last edited 2010-03-02 22:47:49 by hirkania)