Epoching and averaging


Import in database

The raw file viewer provides a rapid access to the recordings and can be a very a very useful tool. But most of operations cannot be performed directly on the raw files: all the pre-processing functions, averaging, time-frequency analysis and statistical tests can only be applied on blocks of data that are saved in the database (ie. "imported"). After reviewing the recordings and editing the event markers, you have to "import" the recordings in the database to go with further analysis. The two following operations produce the same result:

You could also right-click on the subject node > Import EEG/MEG, and select the tutorial FIF file, exactly as presented in the the previous tutorials. But this operation would not give you access to your modified events list, it would use only the events that were already defined in the raw file.

For details about the "Import file" window and the associated processes, please refer to the next tutorial Import and process Neuromag raw recordings.


Tutorials/TutRawAvg (last edited 2013-01-03 19:58:09 by agrippa)