MEG visual tutorial: Single subject

Authors: Francois Tadel, Elizabeth Bock.

The aim of this tutorial is to reproduce in the Brainstorm environment the analysis described in the SPM tutorial "Multimodal, Multisubject data fusion". The data processed here consists in simulateneous MEG/EEG recordings of 16 subjects performing simple visual task on a large number of famous, unfamiliar and scrambled faces.

The analysis is split in two tutorial pages: the present tutorial describes the detailed analysis of one single subject and another one that the describes the batch processing and group analysis of the 16 subjects.

Note that the operations used here are not detailed, the goal of this tutorial is not to teach Brainstorm to a new inexperienced user. For in depth explanations of the interface and the theory, please refer to the introduction tutorials.

Presentation of the experiment


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Tutorials/VisualSingle (last edited 2015-07-22 21:58:46 by FrancoisTadel)