Aix-en-Provence, France: October 4, 2021

Half-day workshop, as part of the CuttingEEG conference. This session will introduce new features for SEEG analysis. Participants will learn how to access these new tools from the Brainstorm environment on their personal laptops.

General information

WhereCube classrooms
WhenMonday October 4th, 2021: 8:30-12:15
InstructorFrancois Tadel
AudienceUsers interested in analyzing sEEG/EEG/ECoG/MEG recordings using Brainstorm.
Teaching in English.
DocumentsIntroduction slides | Tutorial walkthrough


This session is based on a simplified version of the SEEG/Epileptogenicity tutorial.

8:30-9:15Onsite assistance in installing the material for the training session
9:15-9:45Lecture: Brainstorm overview

Software structure, typical data workflow

Presentation of the example dataset (BIDS-iEEG)


Database explorer

MRI volumes, surfaces

Anatomical parcellations

Coregistration of pre- and post-implantation images

10:45-11:45SEEG recordings

Reviewing continuous SEEG recordings

Montages and management of event markers

Marking SEEG contacts on post-implantation image

Anatomical labelling of SEEG contacts

11:45-12:15Advanced topics - Based on participants' requests

Time-frequency analysis: Identification of ictal HFO frequency bands

Epileptogenicity maps: Localization of the seizure onset zone and propagation pathways

FEM demo: MRI segmentation, tissue anisotropy with DTI, FEM forward modeling

Open discussion with Bainstorm users

Prepare your laptop for the workshop

Important notes

Installation instructions

Before coming to the workshop, you need to download the software and the tutorial dataset from the Brainstorm website (200Mb). To streamline troubleshooting during the session, please save all the downloaded files on your Desktop.

  1. Go to the Download page, complete the quick and free registration process.

  2. If you don't receive the confirmation email, please check your spam folder.

  3. Download the following files to your Desktop folder:

    • Brainstorm software: (source+binary, 90 Mb)

    • Tutorial dataset: (162 Mb)

  4. If you already have Brainstorm on your laptop, make sure to update it before coming.
  5. Unzip the two downloaded files on your desktop, then delete them
  6. Create a folder "brainstorm_db" on your Desktop

  7. Final check: you should have now 3 folders on your desktop:
    • brainstorm3: Program folder, with the source code and the compiled executable

    • brainstorm_db: Brainstorm database (empty)

    • workshop_cuttingeeg: Example dataset used during the training session

  8. Run Brainstorm, make sure it works correctly on your computer (see next sections)

Running Brainstorm for the first time

If you don't have a Matlab license, you can get a temporary one for the duration of the conference:

With Matlab (2014b minimum)

  1. Start Matlab
  2. Do NOT add brainstorm3 folder to your Matlab path: this will be done automatically

  3. Go to the brainstorm3 folder
  4. Type "brainstorm" in the command window
  5. When asked for the database folder, pick the "brainstorm_db" you have just created
  6. Install SPM12: Menu Plugins > spm12 > Install.

Without Matlab

  1. Install the Matlab Runtime R2020a (9.8): Mathworks website

  2. Run the program in brainstorm3/bin/R2020a/
    • Windows: Double-click on brainstorm3.bat

    • MacOS: Double-click on brainstorm3.command and wait for instructions

    • Linux: From a terminal, run:
      cd brainstorm3/bin/R2020a/

  3. For troubleshooting, see the Installation page.

Make sure it works

To make sure Brainstorm works properly or your computer:


For any technical problem, please contact Francois Tadel ( )

WorkshopAix2021 (last edited 2021-09-29 10:17:45 by FrancoisTadel)