Aix-en-Provence, France: October 4, 2021

Half-day workshop, as part of the CuttingEEG conference.

This session will introduce new features for SEEG analysis: iEEG-BIDS specification, MRI segmentation with CAT12, MRI/CT coregistration and non-linear MNI normalization with SPM12, management of anatomical atlases, interactive marking of SEEG electrodes, automatic SEEG contact labelling based on volume and surface parcellations, review of SEEG signals, epileptogenicity mapping, advanced FEM modeling including DTI-based constraints with DUNEuro. Participants will learn how to access these new tools from the Brainstorm environment on their personal laptops.

General information

WhereCube classrooms
WhenMonday October 4th, 2021: 8:30-12:15
InstructorFrancois Tadel
AudienceUsers interested in analyzing sEEG/EEG/ECoG/MEG recordings using Brainstorm.
Teaching in English.


This session is based on a simplified version of the SEEG/Epileptogenicity tutorial.

Detailed program coming soon.

WorkshopAix2021 (last edited 2021-09-10 10:17:28 by FrancoisTadel)