= Breckenridge, Colorado, USA: Monday, March 3rd, 2025 =
Full-day of lectures and a workshop on Brainstorm as part of the International Conference on [[https://www.aiepilepsy-neuro.com/|Artificial Intelligence in Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders in Breckenridge]]. This session will be hands-on Brainstorm features for sEEG analysis.
Participants will learn how to use Brainstorm and access its new tools on their personal laptops.
== General information ==
)>>'''Where'''< | )>> Breckenridge<)>>
< | )>>'''When'''< | )>>March 3rd, 2025, 8:30-17:45<)>>
< | )>>'''Registration'''< | )>> [[https://www.aiepilepsy-neuro.com/register.aspx?e=1658&culture=en-US|Please visit this page]]. <)>>
< | )>>'''Organizers'''< | )>>''' '''[[https://www.aiepilepsy-neuro.com/|AI EPILEPSY 2025]] < > <)>>
< | )>>'''Instructors'''< | )>> [[https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/AboutUs/JohnMosher|John Mosher]], [[https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/AboutUs/tmedani|Takfarinas Medani]], [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/yash-vakilna/|Yash Vakilna]], [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnson-hampson/|Johnson Hampson]] and [[https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/AboutUs/ChinmayChinara|Chinmay Chinara]] < > (UTH/USC USA)<)>>
< | )>>'''Audience'''< | )>>Users interested in analyzing sEEG recordings using Brainstorm.< >Some experience with iEEG and signal processing is recommended. Teaching in English.< >Number of participants: XX <)>>
< | )>>'''Slides'''< | )>> Intro slides | [[https://neuroimage.usc.edu/resources/bst_workshop/2025_colorado/Walkthrough_BST_Workshop_Colorado_v0.pdf|Walkthrough]] | [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLM_V2LISKa-ZPKUqrh6s4ezWFbpnUIBuLyIC1Tehw7GjZdw/viewform?usp=sf_link|Survey]]<)>>
== Requirements ==
In order to make the workshop as efficient as possible, we ask all the attendees to: <)>>'''download, install and test'''<)>> the software and <)>>'''download'''<)>> the workshop dataset on their laptops prior to the workshop.
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We highly recommend bringing an '''external mouse''' on the day of the workshop. Most of the manipulations are done with the mouse, and some involve an intense use of the scrolling operation.
== Installing Brainstorm ==
Please read carefully the following instructions on: < >[[WorkshopGeneralInstall|preparing your laptop for the training]]
== Workshop dataset ==
In this workshop, we will be working on a SEEG dataset recorded at the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit at UTHealth Houston.
The data is distributed as '''raw''' and '''pre-processed''' data.
1. '''raw data''' is located in the file '''`WorkshopColorado_raw.zip`''' which contains raw SEEG recordings (in EDF format), T1 MRI and CT scan (both in NIfTI format). The raw SEEG recordings correspond to:
a. Two files containing seizure onset:
i. Seizure onset with Low-voltage-fast-activity
i. Seizure with Ictal repetitive spiking
a. One file with interictal spike, and
a. One file containing baseline recordings
1. '''pre-processed data''' is located in the file '''`workshopColorado_precomputed.zip`''', which contains a Brainstorm protocol with the raw data already pre-processed.
Once you have successfully installed and tested Brainstorm (see previous section), proceed to download the data to be used in the workshop.
1. Download the '''raw data''':
. [[https://neuroimage.usc.edu/resources/bst_workshop/2025_colorado/Data/workshopColorado_raw.zip|workshopColorado_raw.zip]]
1. Unzip the downloaded raw data on your desktop: it will create a new folder named '''`workshopColorado_raw`'''
1. Download the '''pre-processed data'''. Do not unzip this file:
. [[https://neuroimage.usc.edu/resources/bst_workshop/2025_colorado/Data/workshopColorado_precomputed.zip|workshopColorado_precomputed.zip]]
1. Final check: after following the steps above, you should have 3 folders on your desktop:
* '''`brainstorm3`''': the software folder, containing the source code and the compiled executable
* '''`brainstorm_db`''': your Brainstorm database (which should be empty for now)
* '''`workshopColorado_raw.zip`''': Raw data, for SEEG localization demonstration
* '''`workshopColorado_precomputed.zip`''': Pre-processed Brainstorm protocol for workshop session
== Program ==
=== Monday, March 3, 2025 ===
< | )>> 08:30-08:55 < | )>>
'''Registration & Check in'''<)>>
< | )>>08:55-09:00< | )>>
'''Introduction to the Workshop - '''Richard Leahy, USC, USA<)>>
< | )>>09:00-09:30< | )>>
'''[[https://neuroimage.usc.edu/resources/bst_workshop/2024_parkcityutah/Slides/JohnMosher_slides.pdf|BioPhysics of SEEG]] - '''John Mosher, UTH, USA<)>>
< | )>>09:30-10:00< | )>>
'''[[https://neuroimage.usc.edu/resources/bst_workshop/2024_parkcityutah/Slides/SylvainBaillet_slides.pdf|Brainstorm Overview]] '''- Takfarinas Medani, USC, USA<)>>
< | )>>10:00-10:15< | )>>
'''Coffee Break< >'''Onsite assistance in installing the material for the training session<)>>
< | )>>10:15-11:00< | )>>
'''Tutorial – Hands-On Brainstorm 1/4 - ''' Y.Vakilna, C.Chinara, J.Hampson & T.Medani
''' Introduction to Brainstorm Interface: Anatomy Data '''
Database explorer
MRI volumes, surfaces
Anatomical parcellations
CT volumes Coregistration: pre- / post-implantation images <)>>
< | )>>11:00-12:15< | )>>
'''Tutorial – Hands-On Brainstorm 2/4 - ''' Y.Vakilna, C.Chinara, J.Hampson & T.Medani
''' Introduction to Brainstorm Interface: sEEG Functional Data. '''
Manual marking of SEEG contacts on post-implantation image
Automatic marking of SEEG contacts on post-implantation image
Automatic anatomical labeling of SEEG contacts
Reviewing continuous SEEG recordings
Montages and management of event markers
< | )>>12:15-13:00< | )>>
'''Lunch Break'''<)>>
< | )>>13:00-15:00< | )>> '''Tutorial – Hands-On Brainstorm 3/4 - ''' Y.Vakilna, C.Chinara, J.Hampson & T.Medani
'''SEEG: Analysis'''
==>Import precomputed Brainstorm protocol<==
sEEG Montage Configuration
sEEG Frequency Analysis and Filtering
Compute Forward Model (aka the Head or Lead Field Model)
Compute Noise Covariance Matrix
Compute Inverse Model
View Source Results
Atlases and Scouts
< | )>>15:00-15:15< | )>>
'''Coffee Break'''<)>>
< | )>>15:15-17:30< | )>> '''Tutorial – Hands-On Brainstorm 4/4 - '''Y.Vakilna, C.Chinara, J.Hampson & T.Medani
'''SEEG: Advanced Analysis'''
Modeling interictal spikes
Modeling ictal wave within the seizure window
Modeling ictal onset with LVFA in the Sensor Space
Modeling ictal onset with LVFA in the Source Space
Modeling ictal onset with repetitive spiking at Sensor and Source spaces
< | )>>17:30< | )>>
End of the workshop, main conference begins at 6pm
We will provide a [[https://neuroimage.usc.edu/resources/bst_workshop/2025_colorado/Walkthrough_BST_Workshop_Colorado_v0.pdf|detailed step-by-step walkthrough]] of the data analyses performed at the training. In addition, results obtained in this workshop can be replicated with ''' this script (to be updated)'''.
== Bring your own data ==
At the end of the session, the Brainstorm team will dedicate their time to address participants' requests. We encourage you to bring in your own sample of data that you would be interested in processing with Brainstorm.
The file formats that can be read by Brainstorm are listed on the [[http://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Introduction#Supported_file_formats|Introduction page]]. Please contact us in advance if you are not sure your dataset can be imported in Brainstorm. If you do not have data available, you may continue to use the tutorial dataset used in the present workshop.
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We provide [[https://box.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/s/XXXX|a detailed step-by-step walkthrough]] of the data analyses performed at the training. In addition, results obtained in this workshop can be replicated with [[https://box.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/s/kYKqad5wzYabzq1|this script]].
== Troubleshooting ==
For any technical problem, please contact Takfarinas Medani ( medani@usc.edu )