
Montreal, Canada: June 8, 2023

Introduction to Brainstorm and hands-on workshop, part of GSAN workshops at McGill University.
In-person Brainstorm training session.

General information

WhereStewart Building in room N2/2
WhenThursday, June 8 2023: 10:00-14:00
InstructorsSylvain Baillet and Raymundo Cassani
(Montreal Neurological Institute / McGill, Canada)
AudienceUsers interested in analyzing MEG/EEG/sEEG recordings using Brainstorm.
Some experience with MEG/EEG is recommended. Teaching in English.
Number of participants: 19
Slides Poster | Slides | Walkthrough | Survey


In order to make the workshop as efficient as possible, we ask all the attendees to: download, install and test the software and download the workshop dataset on their laptops prior to the workshop.

If you encounter any trouble at setting Brainstorm please show up 30 min before the start of the workshop.

Installing Brainstorm

Please read carefully the following instructions on:
preparing your laptop for the training

Workshop dataset

The workshop dataset is a pre-processed version of the dataset in used in the Brainstorm tutorial on corticomuscular coherence. It consists of simultaneous MEG and EMG (left arm) recordings during prompted left arm movements. A full description of the dataset can be found here.

Once you have successfully installed and tested Brainstorm (previous section), proceed to download the dataset for the workshop.

  1. Download the tutorial dataset (430 MB):

  2. Unzip the downloaded file on your desktop
  3. Final check: you should have 3 folders on your desktop:
    • brainstorm3: Program folder, with the source code and the compiled executable

    • brainstorm_db: Brainstorm database (empty)

    • workshop_gsan: Dataset used during the workshop session


10:00-10:30Introduction to Brainstorm (lecture)
10:30-11:20Loading anatomy and recordings

Set anatomy

Review RAW recordings

Import events


Frequency filters

Artifact detection

Artifact correction with SSP


Coherence (sensor level)

Head modelling, cortical source reconstruction

Coherence (source level)

We provide a detailed step-by-step walkthrough of the data analyses performed at the training.

WorkshopGSAN2023 (last edited 2023-06-09 18:46:53 by RaymundoCassani)