Los Angeles, CA, USA: October 18th, 2023


Half-day workshop, as part of the CuttingGardens2023 conference.
This session will be an introduction to Brainstorm for EEG analysis. Participants will learn how to use Brainstorm and access its new tools on their personal laptops. The link to the video will be uploaded soon.

General information

Where University of Southern California
WhenWednesday October 18th, 2023: 13:00-17:30
InstructorRaymundo Cassani & Takfarinas Medani
Audience Users interested in analyzing EEG/MEG recordings using Brainstorm.
Teaching in English.
Documents Introduction slides | Walkthrough | Survey


In order to make the workshop as efficient as possible, we ask all the attendees to: download, install and test the software and download the workshop dataset on their laptops prior to the workshop.

Installing Brainstorm

Please read carefully the following instructions on:
preparing your laptop for the training

Workshop dataset

The workshop dataset is a pre-processed version of the dataset in used in the Brainstorm tutorial on median nerve stimulation. It consists of simultaneous EEG and MEG recordings during a median nerve stimulation experiment (right arm). A full description of the dataset can be found here.

Once you have successfully installed and tested Brainstorm (see previous section), proceed to download the dataset for the workshop.

  1. Download the tutorial dataset (360 MB):
  2. Unzip the downloaded file on your desktop: it will create a new folder named workshop_lax

  3. Final check: after following the steps above, you should have 3 folders on your desktop:
    • brainstorm3: the software folder, containing the source code and the compiled executable

    • brainstorm_db: your Brainstorm database (which should be empty for now)

    • workshop_lax: Dataset used during the workshop session


12:30-13:00Onsite assistance in installing the material for the training session
13:00-13:30Introduction to Brainstorm (lecture)
13:30-14:35Loading anatomy and recordings

Set anatomy

Review RAW recordings

Import events


Frequency filters

Artifact detection

Artifact correction with SSP

15:35-15:50Coffee break
15:50-16:20Analysis sensor level

Import recordings

Review trials

Trial averages

16:20-16:55Source estimation

Forward model (aka Head model)

Noise covariance matrix

Source estimation (from EEG and MEG recordings)

16:55-17:15Analysis source level

Cortex parcellations: Atlases and Scouts

We provide a detailed step-by-step walkthrough of the data analyses performed at the training. In addition, results obtained in this workshop can be replicated with this script.


For any technical problem, please contact Raymundo Cassani ( raymundo.cassani@mcgill.ca )

WorkshopLA2023 (last edited 2023-11-06 23:09:32 by TakfarinasMedani)