= Brainstorm workshop survey: Montreal 2018 =
== Selected comments from attendees ==
* ''The workshop was very well organized.''
* ''I felt that it was very comprehensive and helpful.''
* ''Overall really great!!''
== Survey results ==
Number of participants: 30<
>Number of returned documents: 26 (87%)<
>[[http://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/WorkshopLosAngeles2015Survey?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=workshop_survey.pdf|Link to the pdf document]].
=== Summary ===
1. Before today's class, how would you describe your use of Brainstorm:
* Never used: '''50%'''
* Some simulation work: 8%
* Some experimental work: 38%
* Experienced user: 4%
1. How helpful was the class in learning Brainstorm: 1(worst) to 5(best)
* 1: 0%
* 2: 0%
* 3: 0%
* 4: 42%
* 5: '''58%'''
1. Did you try the online tutorial before coming to class:
* Yes: 35%
* No: 65%
1. Interested in using Brainstorm for:
* EEG: 88%
* MEG: 46%
* MEG+EEG: 38%
* NIRS: 4%
* sEEG/ECoG: 0%
* Scripting: 31%
* Pre-processing: 46%
* Visualization of recordings: 46%
* Source analysis: 73%
* Time-frequency: 73%
* Functional connectivity: 50%
* Statistics: 27%
* Research: 62%
* Clinical applications: 19%
* Epilepsy: 15%
* Baby / infant studies: 0%
== Comments and suggestions ==
The number indicates the number of participants who made similar comments.
=== Comments about the workshop ===
* Good clarity: 7
* Good pace: 11
* Sometimes too fast: 9
* Sometimes too slow: 2
* Two days would be better: 2
* More information about process options: 2
=== Missing topics and requests ===
* Statistics: 4
* EEG topics: 3
* More information on source methods: 3
* Group analysis: 2
* Resting-state analysis: 2
* Cross-frequency coupling: 1
* Best practices: 1
* More time on data collection and registration: 1
* Epilespy: 1
* More connectivity methods: 1
* More scripting: 1
* Individual research question session: 1
=== Missing tools in Brainstorm ===
* Automated rejection of artifacts: 1
* PET and fMRI co-registration: 1
* Anatomy preprocessing: 1
* Conversion to EEGLAB / FieldTrip file formats: 1
* More advanced and customized graphing: 1
* Getting eye movement data from BDF files: 1
* Categorizing publications on the website: 1
* Single-trial analysis: 1
* More video tutorials: 1