
Orlando, FL: October 16-17, 2014

MEG connectivity conference and Brainstorm full-day training session.

General information

Creation Conference Center, Ground Floor Ginsburg Tower
Florida Hospital for Children
601 East Rollins Street
Orlando, FL 32803

Thursday, October 16, 8am-4pm
Friday, October 17, 8am-5pm

Eduardo Martinez Castillo, Florida Hospital for Children ( Eduardo.MartinezCastillo@flhosp.org )

Francois Tadel, Elizabeth Bock (Montreal Neurological Institute / McGill University)

Target audience:
MEG/EEG community.
Professionals in clinical and translational Neurosciences interested in advanced neuroimaging.
Researchers/students interested in clinical and cognitive neurosciences.

Participation fees:
100 USD for professionals (2-day event: MEG conference/Brainstorm course)
50 USD for college students (student ID is required)

Forms of payment:

Maximum attendance: 80

MEG conference program (Day 1)


Breakfast and registration


Welcome and opening remarks (Marla Siliman, Eduardo Castillo)


Talk 1: MEG and multimodal imaging in epilepsy evaluation.
Speaker: Dr Kihyeong Lee (Director FH Epilepsy Program)


Talk 2: MEG-guided tractography.
Speaker: Dr. Eduardo M. Castillo (Director MEG Lab at FH)

Coffee break, 15 min


Talk 3: Brain networks in aging and memory decline.
Speaker: Dr. Fernando Maestu (Professor and Director MEG Madrid, UCM, Spain)


Talk 4: MEG studies of language function.
Speaker: Dr. Andrew C Papanicolaou (Chair, Division of Clinical Neurosciences, UT-Memphis)

Lunch break (lunch provided by the conference organizers)


Talk 5: Functional connectivity of the resting and active brain.
Speaker: Dr. Sylvain Baillet (Associate Professor and Director, MEG Research, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, CA)


Talk 6: Connecting your brain to a robotic arm: state of the art of brain-computer interfaces.
Speaker: Dr. Wei Wang (Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation & Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, USA)


Talk 7: The Brain Mapping Initiative: new techniques to understand brain networks.
Speaker: Dr. Darcy Peterka (Columbia University, NY, USA)

Brainstorm workshop (Day 2)


The participants are required to bring a laptop (an external mouse will add to your comfort). In order to make the session as efficient as possible, we ask all the attendees to download, install and test the software and sample dataset on their laptops prior to the workshop.

Please read carefully the following instructions:
How to prepare your laptop for the training

Workshop program

Instructors: Francois Tadel, Sylvain Baillet, Elizabeth Bock (Montreal Neurological Institute / McGill)

08:00-08:30: Breakfast and laptop clinic

08:30-9:30: Brainstorm overview

9:30-10:15: Hands-on training

10:15-10:30: Coffee break

10:30-12:00: Hands-on training

12:00-13:30: Lunch break

13:30-17:00: Hands-on training


View list of registered participants

WorkshopOrlando2014 (last edited 2016-01-14 14:28:16 by FrancoisTadel)