{{attachment:osaka.jpg}} = Osaka, Japan: May 31st, 2014 = Workshop following the 29th Annual Meeting of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society.<
>[[http://jbbs2014.nict.go.jp/index.html|Conference link]] | [[http://jbbs2014.nict.go.jp/satellite/index.html|Satellite event link]] [[attachment:brainstorm-introduction-jp.pdf|Brainstormのご紹介]] | [[attachment:brainstorm-workshop-jp.pdf|Brainstormトレーニングコース開催のお知らせ]] == General information == '''Where:'''<
>Osaka University Convention Center Meeting Room 2<
>1-1, Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan<
>Japanese: [[http://jbbs2014.nict.go.jp/annai/index.html|Access map]] | [[http://jbbs2014.nict.go.jp/access/index.html|Transit information]] | [[http://55099zzwd.coop.osaka-u.ac.jp/convention/mitori.html|Venue map]] <
>English: [[WorkshopOsaka2014Access|Access information]] | [[https://maps.google.com/maps?q=34.817917,135.522632&hl=en&ll=34.754025,135.54863&spn=0.256407,0.528374&num=1&t=m&z=12|Google maps]] '''When:''' <
>Saturday, May 31st, 8:15-18:00 '''Organizers:''' <
>Kikuko Nagao (Boston Children's Hospital)<
>Francois Tadel, Sylvain Baillet (Montreal Neurological Institute / !McGill University) '''Target audience: '''<
>MEG and EEG users interested in analyzing their results using Brainstorm. No specific background required. Teaching in English with help from Japanese-speaking experts. '''Participation fees:''' <
>80 USD / 8000 JPY (students)<
>120 USD / 12000 JPY (faculty, staff, post-docs) '''Maximum attendance:''' 120 == Requirements == The participants are required to <)>> '''bring a laptop''' <)>> (an external mouse will add to your comfort). In order to make the session as efficient as possible, we ask all the attendees to <)>>'''download, install and test'''<)>> the software and sample dataset on their laptops prior to the workshop. Please read carfully the following instructions:<
>[[WorkshopOsaka2014Install|How to prepare your laptop for the training]] == Workshop program == '''08:15-09:00: Welcome and l''''''aptop clinic''' * Come early for assistance in installing the material for the training session '''09:00-10:00''': '''Brainstorm overview''' * Software architecture and typical data workflow: [[http://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/WorkshopOsaka2014?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=slides_osaka2014.pdf|Download slides]] | [[attachment:workshop_slides_jp.pdf|スライド日本語訳]] '''10:00-10:45: Hands-on training begins''' * Database explorer * Importing MRI volumes, surfaces and atlases * Introduction to anatomical atlases '''10:45-11:00: Coffee break''' '''11:00-12:40: Hands-on training''' * Co-registration MEG/MRI * Reviewing continuous recordings * Artifact detection and correction * Filtering and epoching * Averaging, observation of a typical somatosensory evoked response * Head modeling, cortical source reconstruction __'''12:40-13:30: Lunch break'''__ ''(lunch not provided)'' '''13:30-15:00: Hands-on training resumes''' * Definition of ROIs, tracking the processing of the sensory information at the cortex level * Frequency and time-frequency analysis * Functional connectivity '''15:00-15:30: Coffee break''' '''15:30-18:00: ''''''Advanced topics and open discussion''' * Group analysis and statistics * Advanced scripting interface * Other topics can be discussed depending on the audience specific requests . <
First name *
Last name *
Title / Occupation *
Institution *
City *
Email address *

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)>> == Registration == <View list of registered participants )>>