
Paris, France: December 3-5, 2019

Practical workshop on EEG/MEG analysis at ICM, in parallel with FieldTrip and MNE-Python. Program available on the workshop website:

The hands-on part of this workshop is based on the Frontiers Research Topic From raw MEG/EEG to publication: a collection of articles processing the same multimodal dataset using different software environments. We will process together one subject of this dataset, following the processing pipeline described in the article MEG/EEG Group Analysis With Brainstorm and the corresponding online tutorial.

General information

WhenTuesday Dec 3rd - Thursday Dec 5, 2019: 8:30-17:30
InstructorsFrancois Tadel (Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience)
Anne-Sophie Dubarry (Aix-Marseille University)
Aurélien Weiss (ENS)
AudienceUsers interested in analyzing sEEG/EEG/ECoG/MEG recordings using Brainstorm.
Teaching in English.


The participants are required to bring a laptop (an external mouse will add to your comfort). In order to make the session as efficient as possible, we ask all the attendees to download, install and test the software and sample dataset on their laptops prior to the workshop.

Please read carefully the following instructions:
?How to prepare your laptop for the training


1. Thursday am: From raw to ERP

2. Thursday pm: Sensor level analysis

3. Wednesday am: Creating head and source models

4. Wednesday pm: Single and distributed sources

5. Thursday am: Group-level analysis

6. Thursday am: User requests

WorkshopParis2019 (last edited 2019-11-07 18:28:18 by FrancoisTadel)