= Taipei, Taiwan: May 26, 2014 =
Brainstorm full-day training session.
== General information ==
'''Where:''' <
>Second Conference Room, Building for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei<
>[[https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=200479062329636055067.0004cd945959b7cce9b78&dg=feature|Google maps]] | [[http://home.sinica.edu.tw/en/site/location.html|Directions (english)]] | [[http://www.sinica.edu.tw/location.htm|Directions (chinese)]]
'''When:''' <
>Monday, May 26, 8:30-18:00
'''Organizers:''' <
>Chun-Hsien Hsu, Chia-Ying Lee (Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica)
'''Instructors:''' <
>Francois Tadel, Sylvain Baillet (Montreal Neurological Institute / McGill Unversity)
'''Target audience:''' <
>MEG and EEG users interested in analyzing their results using Brainstorm.<
>No specific background required.
'''Participation fees:''' Free
'''Number of participants:''' 75
== Requirements ==
The participants are required to <)>> '''bring a laptop''' <)>> (an external mouse will add to your comfort). In order to make the session as efficient as possible, we ask all the attendees to <)>>'''download, install and test'''<)>> the software and sample dataset on their laptops prior to the workshop.
Please read carefully the following instructions:<
>[[WorkshopTaipei2014Install|How to prepare your laptop for the training]]
== Workshop program ==
'''08:30-09:00: Welcome and laptop clinic'''
* Come early for assistance in installing the material for the training session
'''09:00-10:00: Brainstorm overview'''
* Software architecture and typical data workflow: [[http://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/WorkshopTaipei2014?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=slides_taipei2014.pdf|Download slides]]
'''10:00-10:45: Hands-on training begins'''
* Database explorer
* Importing MRI volumes, surfaces and atlases
* Introduction to anatomical atlases
'''10:45-11:00: Coffee break'''
'''11:00-12:40: Hands-on training'''
* Co-registration MEG/MRI
* Reviewing continuous recordings
* Artifact detection and correction
* Filtering and epoching
* Averaging, observation of a typical somatosensory evoked response
* Head modeling, cortical source reconstruction
__'''12:40-13:30: Lunch break'''__ (lunch box provided by the organizers)
'''13:30-15:00: Hands-on training resumes'''
* Definition of ROIs, tracking the processing of the sensory information at the cortex level
* Frequency and time-frequency analysis
* Functional connectivity
'''15:00-15:30: Coffee break'''
'''15:30-18:00: Advanced topics and open discussion'''
* Group analysis and statistics
* Advanced scripting interface
* Other topics can be discussed depending on the audience specific requests
== Registration ==
[[WorkshopTaipei2014Reg|View list of registered participants]]