About MEM Source imaging dataset

Dear Francois:
Recently,I'm going to learn MEM Source imaging。When I was studying the tutorial, I found that the link to the data set provided in the tutorial has failed. What should I do?%E5%BE%AE%E4%BF%A1%E6%88%AA%E5%9B%BE_20190707110703|690x168

The dataset is sample_raw.zip, which can be obtained from the Brainstorm download page.
What problem are you facing?
(It looks like you tried to post a screen capture but it didn't work)

Hello Francois:
The "BEst_tutorial_median_nerve" data set can't be downloaded, the page shows 404, and when I follow the tutorial steps "Import the data in brainstorm by clicking: File > Load protocol > Load from zip file > browse the protocol and choose the zip file:
BST_sample_raw_Subject03 .zip",screen display erorr.

Oops, I didn't even know it was possible to download a protocol with all the data already imported.

I think @aliobaibk was supposed to update this page, am I right?

Thanks for the notification, I fixed the broken link.
