Amplitude thresholds across all channels

Btw, I am unable to find how I can do Detect bad channels: peak-to-peak . If you could, please point me to the right tutorial or just where it is in the toolbar.

It is not available in the interactive interface.
Select the files you want to process in Process1 (only imported files, no "Link to raw files"), then select the process Artifacts > Detect bad channels: peak-to-peak.

does it make sense to do the analysis without this thresholding step? Judging from the tutorials and the general approach, looking at the butterfly plots of epochs would substitute this step. If there are any funky deflections, they'll be very apparent. Do you think this line of reasoning is sound?

Yes, it does make sense not using any fixed threshold. If you have a lot of repetitions for all your ERPs, you could even go without any cleaning or rejection at all. The amount of rejection/cleaning you decide to apply on your data should depend on the data quality, the amount of data available, and the expected output. We don't think that one generic pre-processing pipeline could work efficiently for all the experiments. You will probably need a few trial and errors to find the best solution for your data.

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