Averaging the three unconstrained source directions for every scout

Just wanted to ask if there were any updates pertaining to the recommendations by the BST team?

We have been working one these topics in the past months, but I'm not sure what your reference is.
I encourage you to review the tutorials below, which contains all the recommendations we have to share at the moment:

However, I am confused as to how to use the "max" function to get the max connectivity value per 3 orientations (e.g. reduce a 300 x 300 to 100 x 100 matrix when using 100 scouts).
I'm assuming this was done by taking the mean then of the 3 orientations per scout (I left it with the default options of mean and before)?

This is not an option, this is done automatically. The option you select is the scout function.
Please review carefully the explanations in this tutorial:

Note that we do not give any recommendation on whether to use the option before vs. after. The is no consensus on this topic yet.