Batch process for DWI2DTI

Thank you for your reply. I have attempted the process you suggested and observed a missing argument error when using the generated .m script calling the subfunction Compute under process_dwi2dti.m.

This issue can be reproduced by:
Step1: Import > Import anatomy > Import MRI
Step2: Import > Import anatomy > Convert DWT to DTI
Step3: use the menu Generate .m script .
Step4: Run the Generate .m script .

This issue is not caught when manually click DWI2DTI from the GUI because the call go through

The generated script call:

Probably this would be fixed in your next build, may I ask if I just add [ ] for the T1BstFile argument in the Compute function just like the call from row 334, i presume would be the same right? because the T1 has already imported.

In addition, I have another side question on that, later on, I will try to perform head model on MRI volume which takes a long time per one subject. I was thinking to compute them parallelly in Matlab, for example, I made a script for running all subjects in a Parfor loop, each physical core runs one subject, would this be feasible? My main concern is that since the head model estimation in Brainstorm is depending on open-source software like DUNEuro for FEM, do you think it allows us to run in this way? Thanks, I am looking forward to hearing your expertise.