Brainstorm and other opensoftware

Hi everyone,
I am new brainstorm user, and I used to analyze data by mixing Fieldtrip、eeglab、eConnectome and my own codes. Does brainstorm conflict with other software (e.g., eeglab and fieldtrip)? I like using the functions of brainstorm. By the way,I know brainstorm could conflict with eeglab, but today I test the hcp_tutorial of briandtorm and I guess it also conflicts with Fieldtrip (maybe just some functions)..

It depends what you mean with "conflict".
For these three programs: never add permanently all the folders and subfolders to your Matlab path (eg. addpath(genpath('C:\...\eeglab'), none of them is supposed to work this way.

If you only have the top-level folder of the programs in your path, you should not observe any conflict. However, when you start working with FieldTrip or Brainstorm or EEGLAB, these programs add some of the subfolders they need temporarily to the Matlab path, and then you may start observing some conflicts.

  • If you work with recent versions of FieldTrip and Brainstorm, I don't think you should observe any problems.
  • Brainstorm redistributes the EEGLAB function runica.m, therefor if both are in the path, you may have some path issues (but in principle the function would work similarly, so no error to expect, just a silent mix up)
  • FieldTrip+SPM or FieldTrip+EEGLAB are more complicated combinations: FieldTrip redistributes parts of SPM, EEGLAB and SPM redistribute some parts of FieldTrip. Conflicts of versions are easy to get.

In general: always clean your path when you switch from one program to the other.
In the case of Brainstorm, the Java objects that are instantiated cannot be cleaned from the memory without restarting Matlab, so it's not possible to restore completely the original state without a full restart. In case of any doubts, if you observe any error, try with a restart.

If you get weird error messages you don't understand (relative to Brainstorm only), please copy-paste the full stack trace here.

Thank you so much. This is what I need ( you also solve my other question about brainstorm use, thankyou again). You are right, I use the old versions. And I will download the latest Brainstorm right now.