CAT12 Segmentation Error in Linux and Windows

Hi All,

This is my first time use CAT12 in brainstorm to run segmentation of anatomical data of my own participants so I can source reconstruction later on. However even though I downloaded the latest version of SPM12, CAT12, and Brainstorm, I ended up with different errors both Windows pc with Matlab 2017a and in a Linux pc with Matlab 2017b. In Linux it says permission denied to accessing CAT_Surf2Sphere and in Windows I am not sure about what happened. So I was wondering what might the reason that I am encountering and I would really appreciate if I can get any recommendations please.

I attached the windows and linux operation screen shots for the error messages

Thank you

Hi All,

I guess I found the problem with the linux from SPM forum, so it is about the permission rights of the CAT_Surf2Sphere file, which I made the changes in permission and it works at the moment.

Here is the discussion

For the windows, weirdly enough even though I downloaded SPM12 from SPM website (
it came without spm_ov_mesh.m file in spm_orthviews folder. So I copied it from Github and now it works.

I guess those solved, for now, haven't finished running the whole segmentation but so far so good!



Thanks for sharing the solution!
We will report this issue to the SPM and CAT developers (@CGaser )

Hi Francois,

I also found there are differences between SPM versions in GitHub ( and default download link (, while the former has all the necessary functions (spm_ov_mesh.m in spm_orthviews and spm_mesh_contour.m in spm12 main folder) for segmentation get going, but lacks cat12 toolbox, the latter has cat12 but missing those two functions, at least those two which I got an error so far. I found the solution as to download spm12 from GitHub and the newest version of cat12 from its website and use those.

So it would be good to report this to SPM I guess.

Thank you