Cerebellum Coordinates

Hello Fronçois,

I study the connectivity between the cerebrum and cerebellum and I have used Brainnetome for the cerebrum parcellation and Buckner’s way for the cerebellum parcellation. However the scouts label in cerebellum are numbers (1 - 17), thus I can not find their coordinates.
Could you inform me if there is any way to find the coordinates of the cerebellum scouts in Brainstorm, in order to use them in BrainNet?

Thank you in Advance,
Georgia Kioselaki

I study the connectivity between the cerebrum and cerebellum and I have used Brainnetome for the cerebrum parcellation and Buckner’s way for the cerebellum parcellation.

Is this where you got the atlas from?
CerebellumParcellation_Buckner2011 - Free Surfer Wiki

If you have imported the file from this page directly in a Brainstorm subject: Note that this "MNI space" might be slightly different from the ones computed in Brainstorm.
Maybe there are better solutions for warping this template to the FreeSurfer subject space first, and then import the atlas as a FreeSurfer subject-space .mgz file. But I'm not how this works.

However the scouts label in cerebellum are numbers (1 - 17), thus I can not find their coordinates.

Indeed, the labels seem to be indices, which are documented in that FreeSurfer wiki page.
I'm not sure I understand what it means that you can't find the coordinates.

Could you inform me if there is any way to find the coordinates of the cerebellum scouts in Brainstorm, in order to use them in BrainNet?

What kind of coordinates are you looking for?
From what file?