Each source is in which layer of the mesh?

Yes, technically it's working but we need to be careful with the results, here are some tips:

  • If the head model is simple just with 3 layers (brain, skull, and scalp), in this case, it's similar to the BEM process and then the volume source can be used and the results are sable.
  • If there is a distinction between the WM and GM, then some instabilities may appear in the results for the dipoles located near the interfaces GM / WM.

In order to reduce this error, I recommend using a finer mesh resolution (FEM mesh ==> extract surfaces, then re-mesh with iso2mesh with a low value ~0.01 or less, ideally the size of the mesh elements should be smaller than the distance between the dipoles grid).
Also, you can test both methods "Venant" and "Partial Integration".

The other and simple solution is just to assign the same conductivity value for the WM and the GM.

Also, for the volume source, you should not to check the box "Force Inside the GM" and the "Restrict" Venant's option, otherwise, the dipoles will be moved to the nearest GM location.

All this is for the modeling side, but we need to keep in mind that putting dipoles within the white matter is not realistic, the brain sources are mainly within the GM.