Error opening nwb files

I updated the NWB downloader, and it will automatically update the NWB library to the version currently supported by Brainstorm.

However, I can't get the function nwbRead() to read the example files you suggested...
I set Brainstorm to use the last stable release of the matnwb library (, and if I try to use it to read these NWB files, I get and error. If I use the current master branch, I get a different error...
I'm not sure what to do with that.

Are you familiar with this file format?
Can you read them with other programs in Matlab? Using this matnwb library?

@mpompolas Could you help us with this?

K>> nwb2 = nwbRead('sub-626194774_ses-637919731_icephys.nwb')
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.

Error in file.fillExport>traverseRaw (line 120)
        attrmatch = strcmp({}, propname);

Error in file.fillExport>traverseRaw (line 111)
                    res = traverseRaw(suffix, raw.datasets(i));

Error in file.fillExport (line 23)
    pathProps = traverseRaw(pnm, raw);

Error in file.fillClass (line 93)
exporterFcns = file.fillExport(nonInherited, class, depnm);

Error in file.writeNamespace (line 22)
        fwrite(fid, file.fillClass(className, Namespace, processed, ...

Error in nwbRead>tryWriteSpec (line 103)

Error in nwbRead>generateSpec (line 91)
    if ~tryWriteSpec(name)

Error in nwbRead>checkEmbeddedSpec (line 44)
    generateSpec(fid, h5info(filename, specLocation));

Error in nwbRead (line 27)
    specLocation = checkEmbeddedSpec(filename);