Error when compiling brainstorm

Hi Francois,

Sorry for the late response!
We included our classes and functions in the compilation of Brainstorm.

It all works fine when we run a script with no parameters (or argument). We tried to run a MATLAB function file with an argument, but it does not work (see error message below). It seems like the parameter passed in the command window is not recognized. We use the syntax indicated in the tutorial : brainstorm3.bat 'script.m' 'parameters'.

Is it possible to run a function file that requires arguments ?

Thank you for your help,

Here is the error messgae:

"WARNING: This file is a function, trying to convert to a script...
Error using panel_command>ExecuteScript
The number of argmuents in the function does not match the number of parameters passed in the command line.

Error in panel_command (line 26)

Error in brainstorm (line 277)