Error when installing CENA

Hello again. For those of you having trouble installing CENA, we've identified the source of the problem -- a deprecated Matlab function that has created issues in more recent versions.

We are pushing an update through Brainstorm, but for immediate results, I've attached the updated matlab script for the installer that may solve your issue:

You will need to replace the existing version of this script in the appropriate Brainstorm directory, in the following path or something similar (the exact path may depend on your OS):
[install location]/brainstorm3/toolbox/process/functions

To back up the original script, you'll want to rename it to a temporary name and move it out of its existing folder so it doesn't show up in the Brainstorm menus.

You will need Matlab r2014 or later for this new script to work, which I presume you are running because I believe this was related to the original error.

After replacing the script, start Matlab / Brainstorm and run the update as you normally would. You may get a Matlab callback error upon running the install, but it should work as long as you see the CENA logo image pop-up after running.

We're still debugging some cosmetic errors and looking towards a fix that will detect your Matlab version and work accordingly, but hopefully this will solve the immediate problem in the meantime.

George Monteleone

process_cena_update.m (9.4 KB)