Events - Read from channel

Dear Francois,

I am working on an EEG dataset with 32 channel plus a channel defining the events' start time. The amplitude of the event channel is zero everywhere, except for the time points that the events were presented. At these points, the value of the electrode is identical to the code of the presented stimulus and ranges between 1 to 50.
I want to define events based on this channel and I use events>file > read events from channel, and choose the first option (value), it takes some second the job gets done, but nothing appears after that. Inspecting the signal through EEG>Display time series, there is no dot or line depicting events.
I would be more than grateful, if you could please help me solve the problem.


there is no dot or line depicting events.

Make sure they aren't just hidden.
Do you see anything new in the events list in the Record tab of the Brainstorm window?

I want to define events based on this channel and I use events>file > read events from channel

Other detection processes can be used to identify events from an events channel.
Explore all the processes you have in the "Events" subgroup (using the Process1 tab and the pipeline editor, not the interactive interface), you should be able to find a way to detect your events.