Extract scout times series folder different times

What is the result of running the following commands in Matlab's Command Window?

which('writecell', 'all')
which('writematrix', 'all')

Yes, when exporting multiple files with the process Export to file, the output file has the same name as the input file. If you multiple input files have the same file name, the output file is overwritten. To avoid you could try one if these options.

  1. Make a script that loops over your files names, then uses the process Export file for1 each of the files, by doing so, you can indicate the desired name for the output file for each file.

  2. Make a script that loops over your files names, then uses the process Add tag with one of the options that add to file path for each of the input files. Then you can run the process Export file, for all the files that were renamed.

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