EZF softeare and Brainstrom software compatibility/ Data import

kindly guide me, I try to mimic the folder structure as that was mentioned in EZF website https://silencer1127.github.io/software/EZ_Fingerprint/tutorial/ezf_bst,.


It creat error message and instead of caps BG and SZ It accept the small letters bg and sz prefix to the folder name, After setting the directories for EFZ in setup step in pipelining tab matlab gives following ::


Warning: something wrong with the listing

In arLs (line 131)

In ezf_importData (line 104)

In ezf_main/callback_import_button (line 1174)

   name: 'bg_g1_chb01_15'

 folder: 'C:\Users\HP\Documents\MATLAB\eeg_ezf_pro\data\Subjectchb01_F_11'

   date: '08-May-2019 15:49:40'

  bytes: 0

  isdir: 1

datenum: 7.3755e+05

keyword =


ext =

0×0 empty char array

strToFind =


 All valid seizures had been imported before


I don't know what is the error or warning popup in Matlab cmd window.

Please suggest me the correct procedure to be followed in the brainstorm or what should be inside the SZ and BG folders?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Brainstorm software & Epileptogenic Zone Fingerprint software